Step 4
Your fulfillment formula.
Now that you have your vision, you’ve taken control of the voice, and you know the value of your dream, you are ready to get to living it! But how long is that gonna take? Sometimes the delay can cause people to lose momentum. But we have the ability to find the feeling behind the dream. Ultimately, everything we do is because of how it makes us feel. We’re going to distill that feeling down to the most basic elements and help you understand how to get that feeling now before you accomplish the dream. This is your fulfillment formula.
Step 5
Escaping the trappings of your unfulfilled life.
There are so many “good” things in your life that are important today that may hold you back from creating your ideal life. Some of these things are only good in as much as you haven't created something better. Some of these things feel important because of the time you've invested in them and the attachment you have to them. But the the only way you'll be able to move on is if you let them go. Don't worry, we’re not going to burn it all down. But what we will do is a ton of mindset work around letting go of the bait in all of these traps so that when it’s time to make your move, you’ll have free hands to build and receive. To put it plainly, this is where we will knock out all of your excuses and put you on the path to success.